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Article II – Membership

(excerpt from Bylaws effective 12/9/2014)


Membership in the Club is a privilege and has no bearing on eligibility of students to

participate in the Atlanta Boom Volleyball Training Institute programs.


Section 2.1.  Qualification - All parents, guardians, members of the coaching staff of Atlanta Boom Volleyball Training Institute programs and community members can join to be members of the organization, provided they pay the annual membership fee.  The CEO, President and Vice President of Atlanta Boom Volleyball Training Institute shall be non-voting, advisory members of the organization.  Neither of them is required to pay the annual membership fee.


Section 2.2.  Rights and Responsibilities – The members shall have the right and responsibility to attend meetings and events sponsored by the organization, serve on committees and be nominated and elected to office.  Voting members shall have the right to vote for the officers, review and approve the annual budget, and approve amendments to these bylaws.


Section 2.2.a.   Member in Good Standing.  Individual who is current on membership obligation for the current season.


Unless otherwise noted, any subsequent reference to “member” in these bylaws will refer to a “member in good standing.”


Section 2.2.b.  Membership Benefits.  Members in good standing are eligible to vote on Boom Booster, Inc. issues and decisions concerning club sponsored activities, programs and operating procedures.


Section 2.2.c.  Membership Term.  The Boom Booster, Inc.’s membership year begins December 1st  and ends November 30th of the following year.  Upon payment of annual dues, an individual shall have membership in the Boom Booster, Inc. club for the specified club year.

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